
  • Victor Viktorovich Gavrilov Surgut State Pedagogical University



Yu. Shestalov, conceptual space, concept, heart, Yugra text, symbol, mentality, culture of the people, linguistic worldview


The article attempts to describe the realization of the concept of “heart” in the Yugra text based on the poetry of Yu. Shestalov. It is stated that the concept of “heart” is a key one in many cultures and is connected, first of all, with a human life. Moreover, it is considered as a receptacle of feelings, emotions, and experiences. In this regard, it might be of a scientific concern to evaluate the concept of "heart" and its interpretation by the indigenous peoples of Yugra (particularly Mansi), to determine its role in the formation of the mental field of Yugra residents. Given the breadth of the research problem, in this article the author focuses on the lyrics of one Mansi poet, correlating his intentions with the ingrained meanings of the concept of “heart” among Mansi as a whole. It is concluded that in the corpus of lyrical texts by Yu. Shestalov, this concept occupies a leading place, being the basic concept of the Yugra text. Furthermore, the article reveals the nearest periphery of the “heart” concept sphere that consists of such concepts as “childhood”, “happiness / joy”, “songs”, “power”, “light”, “misfortune”, “love”, “hatred of enemies”, “an instrument for comprehending the sacred”. The author of the article tries to solve the problem of tracing the correlation of the “heart” concept in the work of Yu. Shestalov and in the culture of Mansi. Based on the analysis of the poet's poetic texts, the author of the article comes
to the conclusion that this concept undergoes gradual changes in Shestalov's lyrics, evolves, moving from the sphere of the material to the sphere of the mental, that is, it becomes part of culture and national consciousness.

Information about the author

Victor Viktorovich Gavrilov, Surgut State Pedagogical University

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Departament of Philological Education and Journalism, Surgut State Pedagogical University (Surgut, Russia).



How to Cite

Gavrilov В.В. 2024. IMPLEMENTATION OF “HEART” CONCEPT IN LYRICS OF YU. SHESTALOV. Word. Text. Context. 1 (17) (May 2024), 87–95. DOI:



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